Portable Door Lock Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock
Portable Door Lock
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Portable Door Lock

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All Doors Need Added Layers Of Security To Keep You Safe.

That's Why 1000's of People Worldwide Are Using This Innovative Lock to 🎯 Achieve Added Security by Adding An Extra Layer Of Protection To Their Doors in The Simplest Possible Way!

🛡️Security & 😇 Peace Of Mind go Hand-in-Hand.

Three Reasons Why More & More People Are Buying The Portable Door Lock for added security:

🛡️ Security in Hotels & AirBnB's: When you stay in a Hotel or an AirBnB, you are handed duplicate keys to your room's door by the staff/host & the master key remains in their possession - This gives them the liberty to enter your room at their will. More importantly, there is also the risk of your room's key landing up in the wrong hands. With the Portable Door Lock in place, you can be sure that even if someone tries to use a working key to enter your room, they will not be able to enter.

🛡️ It Adds an Additional Layer of Security to Your Home's Door: With crime & particularly home break-ins on the rise, the Portable Door Lock is a quick & easy add-on to increase the security of your door by way of an added layer of reinforcement . Although the best way to protect an aggressive door kick-in is via the Fortifier Door Reinforcement Lock, the Home&Carry Portable Door lock is a great additional add-on to work with your Fortifier.

🛡️ Lock Pickers - Yes, this is a reality! Lock picking gadgets & tools are widely available online. Strangely enough,  Lock Picking is being taught as a hobby with many experts on Youtube teaching regular people how to pick locks! One can only imagine how home intruders will benefit from this easy access to knowledge and gear. 

🤔 Are you from the vast majority of people who have, at least once, thought about what you can do to make your home's door more secure but were confused at where to start? Or when your staying in a hotel, does it ever bother you knowing that complete strangers have access to the keys of your room?

These thoughts definitely bothered me and and the Home&Carry Portable Door Lock put many of them to rest 🙂. 

How does it work? As shown below, it fits into the strike plate of your door such that when in locked position, it prevents the door from being opened from the outside - it takes only a few seconds to both lock & unlock.